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Personal Finance
Unsecured credit all-time high as Brits go on credit card spending binge

Personal Finance
Brits think they need £355,000 to retire – but they’re wrong

Personal Finance
Your essential year-end financial checklist: 5 tasks to get you ready for 2022

How minimalism made me £5,000 richer this year

Personal Finance
More than 1 in 4 Brits took out a loan in 2021 – but not for the reasons you think

Personal Finance
5 financial resolutions Brits are making for 2022

Personal Finance
New year, new you? Over 75% of workers plan to look for a new job in 2022!

Personal Finance
Is ‘lifestyle creep’ sabotaging your bank balance?

Personal Finance
Brits spend a whopping £4,116 on house moves over their lifetime

Personal Finance
Working from home can save you over £1,500 a year

Personal Finance
One in four Brits didn’t save any money during lockdown

Personal Finance
The average Christmas Day host will spend almost £900 on the holiday

Personal Finance
With fuel prices skyrocketing, here’s how you can save money on your car journeys

Personal Finance
The ‘green premium’ that can increase your home’s value by up to £40k

Office grinches: Brits throw away £32 million worth of Secret Santa gifts every Christmas

Personal Finance
9 ways to save on your weekly food shop now that prices are going up

Personal Finance
A quarter of Brits have no savings to fall back on

Personal Finance
Living costs could go up £1,800 before end of year: Here’s how to cut expenses now

Personal Finance
Just 10% of Brits would invest a £1k windfall

Personal Finance
Some UK retailers are recovering TOO quickly!

Personal Finance
53% of Brits feel online shopping leads to overspending: 6 steps to kick the habit!

Personal Finance
This Halloween, 33% of Brits are facing financial fears: here’s how to survive (and thrive!)

Personal Finance
Are you (still) watching? This Netflix trick can help boost your credit score!

Personal Finance
This luxury investment grew 13% in just 1 year (beating art and jewellery)

Personal Finance
This is how much money Brits need to earn ‘to be happy’

Personal Finance
Energy prices: save hundreds on your bills with these home improvements

Personal Finance
Something in the water? Brighton and Hove is the city spending the most post-lockdown!

Personal Finance
Why our ‘want it now’ attitude is getting the UK’s spending out of control

Personal Finance
British adults are £1,189 more in debt than they were a year ago

Personal Finance
What is the Happy Planet Index?

Personal Finance
Pandemic: 6m UK adults have fallen behind on at least one household bill

Personal Finance
Why have traders been boosting the Costain Group share price?

Personal Finance
Brits lose out on £3.4k in their lifetime from delaying trading in old mobile phones
Personal Finance
Brits to lose money for 116 days’ gas and electricity after new National Insurance hike

Personal Finance
Can visualisation help with retirement planning?

Personal Finance
Is it fair that Airbnb owners charge over 100% more during festivals?

Personal Finance
How living local to a shopping centre might NEGATIVELY impact house prices

Personal Finance
Millennials/Generation Z encouraged to improve their financial fitness with $45 in free F45 stock