When investing, your capital is at risk. The value of your investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you put in. Tax treatment depends on your individual circumstances and may be subject to future change. The content of this article is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to be, nor does it constitute, any form of personal advice.

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Investments in a currency other than sterling are exposed to currency exchange risk. Currency exchange rates are constantly changing, which may affect the value of the investment in sterling terms. You could lose money in sterling even if the stock price rises in the currency of origin. Stocks listed on overseas exchanges may be subject to additional dealing and exchange rate charges, and may have other tax implications, and may not provide the same, or any, regulatory protection as in the UK.

Hidden Winners - A Motley Fool UK Service

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Are you ready to invest in the stock market’s ‘hidden sector’?

When it comes to locking in the BIGGEST investment gains, sometimes the trick is to ‘think small.

Dear fellow Fool,

According to an annual study1, if you’d invested £100 in the broader stock market in 1955, by the end of 2019 you would have ended up with the handsome sum of £118,100.

But if you had taken that same £100 and invested it in some of the UK’s smaller market-cap companies…

You’d have captured £784,700 over the exact same time period — and earned yourself OVER 6 TIMES as much money from the exact same initial investment.

The £666,600 difference: Cumulative return of a £100 Investment in Small-Cap Shares vs. The Wider Stock Market from 1955 — 2019

Graph showing the Numis NSCI Index vs. FTSE All-Share Index. A notional £100 investment in the NSCI index in 1955 is now worth £784,700. By comparison, the same amount invested in the FTSE All-Share index is worth just £118,100 for the same period. The annualised gain is 14.8% vs. 11.5% respectively.

Source: The London Business School and The Numis Corporation, with additional calculations by The Motley Fool UK.

Please see footnote 1 for a more detailed explanation.

In other words, the impact that ‘thinking small’ can have on your financial success can be absolutely staggering.

So if you’re the sort of investor who’d prefer to buy and hold companies with the power to turn £100 into over £780,000, rather than just a bit over £115,000…

Perhaps you’re asking:

“How can I find these fortune-building small-cap stocks for myself?”

If you‘ve got all the time in the world — and a degree or two in advanced financial analysis—you just may be ready to hunt down the market‘s most ‘under-the-radar’ investments on your own.

But if you’re looking to get in on the stock market’s MOST exciting small-cap opportunities while doing only minutes of work per month…

Then perhaps it’s time to put Motley Fool Hidden Winners to work for you.

In May 2015, our team here at The Motley Fool UK decided to embark on our boldest undertaking yet…

And to place one our absolute best investors at the helm.

As the head of Hidden Winners, Mark Rogers’ job is simple:

  1. He and his team scour for what they believe are the absolute best small-cap opportunities… distilling hours of complex financial analysis into 1 simple, easy-to-read, and immediately actionable share tip every month.
  2. He shares those opportunities with the ‘members-only’ Hidden Winners community, so they can act immediately and lock in maximum long-term profit potential.
  3. Lather, Rinse, Repeat1 ‘under-the-radar’ small-cap share tip, each and every month, for a select group of UK investors just like you.

So how does the Hidden Winners team do it?

It’s not what you might think.

They don’t chase hot stock tips. They don’t rely on supercomputers or fancy algorithms. And they certainly don’t boast one of those surefire market timing ‘systems’ that so many pundits claim to have.

Instead, Mark and his team focus on three ‘hidden’ pockets of the stock market, seeking out well-managed companies with unbeatable products or services.

Castle Icon

Hidden Quality

These are situations where the core investment thesis rides on the team’s assessment of the superior ‘quality’ of the business in question. True long-term buy–and–hold compounding machines, these firms generally lead a specific niche, and earn attractive returns on invested capital.

Seedling Icon

Hidden Growth

These are the rapidly-expanding innovators of the UK market, where sales and cash flows are increasing at double-digit rates, but the shares haven’t quite caught the attention they deserve in The City.

Scales Icon

Hidden Value

While value is a secondary consideration to finding truly winning businesses, there are many special situations to be found in the small-cap market, where lack-of-coverage and ignorance can conspire to completely misprice perfectly good shares.

These are the type of stocks that most investors simply DO NOT think about…

Because most investors haven’t put the Hidden Winners team to work for them!

And here’s the best part… because even in this period of uncertainty

Motley Fool Hidden Winners’ average small-cap stock pick has outperformed the market!2

While the broader market return has returned 34.64% since we launched, that hasn’t stopped the Hidden Winners’ team’s average small-cap stock pick from racking up a healthy +30.98% gain!2

This return is calculated using an average return of all recommendations since inception, and is based on all dividends paid being reinvested and excludes trading, foreign-exchange and any other costs or fees incurred in executing these trades. Returns are measured from the date of each recommendation to the close of trading on 28/02/2025 and assumes an investor had invested an equal amount in each recommendation since the service began in May 2015. Should all dividends not be reinvested, the returns may be significantly lower. Trading costs and fees will also impact the returns.

And while past performance is no guarantee of future success, I’m sure you’ll agree that’s a stunning achievement… especially when you factor-in how volatile the stock market has been over the past few years.

When you join today, you can get instant unlimited access to all of this market-beating research, including all of our active stock recommendations, our list of ‘Best Buys Now’ stocks and the team’s entire watch list.

But don’t just take our word for it — here’s what real Hidden Winners members have been saying about the service:

“…it’s opened up a segment of the market that I have been interested in but not had the time or confidence to address.”

— T.C., Buckinghamshire.

“Research is good, and put across in a straight-forward, clear way. It’s a good read. I agree that there is value to be had in smaller-cap companies … hope the rest of the UK doesn’t wake up to this fact too quickly.”

— Jonathan Wood.

“Definitely worth it.”

— I.W., Cornwall.

What if I join Motley Fool Hidden Winners,
and realise that it’s not for me?

We fully appreciate that you might still have some questions even after you subscribe.

You might even have some nagging doubts lingering…

But we firmly believe that the best way for you to truly decide whether Motley Fool Hidden Winners is right for you, is to try it for yourself!

And that’s exactly what you can do today, without risking a penny of your membership fee.

You see, when you sign up to Hidden Winners, you’re automatically covered by our ‘no-quibbles’ 30-day Subscription Refund Guarantee…

…meaning you can dive in and experience the service first hand for a full 30 days, and if for any reason you’re not satisfied, simply contact our customer service team who’ll refund your subscription fee — no questions asked.

Just take a look at what you can expect to receive when you join Motley Fool Hidden Winners today:

  • 1 high-conviction small-cap share tip a month in your brand-new issue of Hidden Winners. These tips are plucked directly from Mark’s search for the market’s biggest winners — delivered to your inbox like clockwork, month in and month out.
  • Immediate access to our ‘Best Buys Now’ — highlighting what we believe are the 3 most timely opportunities on the Hidden Winners scorecard right now.
  • 100% access to the “Hidden Winners Universe”, which includes current buy recommendations, watch-list stocks, and shares the team believes you should avoid.
  • Up-to-date coverage for every single Hidden Winners recommendation, available via our exclusive members-only website.
  • A no-nonsense scoreboard for absolutely all the recommendations the service has ever made — so you can track precisely how well our experts are doing for YOU.
  • 30-Day Subscription Refund Guarantee: If you’re not bowled over by the service we provide, simply cancel at any time within your first 30 days and we will refund your subscription fee in full — no questions asked.

Simply click the button below to get started — and if for any reason you don’t love what Hidden Winners has to offer, you can get a full subscription refund within your first 30 days, no questions asked.

Start Now

To making the most out of investing opportunities, big or small!


Chris Nials' Signature

Chris Nials
Executive Publisher,
Motley Fool UK

Small Print

  1. Data from The London Business School and The Numis Corporation, with additional calculations by The Motley Fool UK. Source: https://www.london.edu/news/uk-small-cap-outperforms-ftse-all-share-index-1756. The ‘6 times’ outperformance figure is derived from the cumulative return of a notional £100 investment in both the NSCI index (covering the bottom tenth of the main UK equity market by value) and the FTSE All-Share index for the 65 year period between 1955 and 2019 inclusive. The cumulative return for each index was £784,700 and £118,100, respectively.
  2. Motley Fool Hidden Winners has delivered an overall return of 30.98%. The S&P UK Broad Market Return index has delivered an overall return of 34.64%. Returns are calculated using an average return of all recommendations and includes dividends reinvested and excludes trading costs. The S&P UK Broad Market returns include dividends reinvested. Returns are measured from the date of each recommendation to the close of trading on 28/02/2025. The service’s inaugural recommendations were made on 12/05/2015 and are now issued at the rate of one per month.

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We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that any information provided by The Motley Fool Ltd, is accurate at the time of publishing. Any opinions expressed are the opinions of the authors only. The content provided has not taken into account the particular circumstances of any specific individual or group of individuals and does not constitute personal advice or a personal recommendation. No content should be relied upon as constituting personal advice or a personal recommendation, when making your decisions. If you require any personal advice or recommendations, please speak to an independent qualified financial adviser. No liability is accepted by the author, The Motley Fool Ltd or Richdale Brokers and Financial Services Ltd for any loss or detriment experienced by any individual from any decision, whether consequent to, or in any way related to the content provided by The Motley Fool Ltd; the provision of which is an unregulated activity.

The value of stocks, shares and any dividend income may fall as well as rise and is not guaranteed, so you may get back less than you invested. You should not invest any money you cannot afford to lose, and you should not rely on any dividend income to meet your living expenses. Stocks listed on overseas exchanges may be subject to additional dealing and exchange rate charges, administrative costs, withholding taxes and different accounting and reporting standards. They may have other tax implications, and may not provide the same, or any, regulatory protection. Exchange rate charges may adversely affect the value of shares in sterling terms, and you could lose money in sterling even if the stock price rises in the currency of origin. Any performance statistics that do not adjust for exchange rate changes are likely to result in an inaccurate portrayal of real returns for sterling-based investors.

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