The “bag of bags” is the bane of most households. You know the one, kept under the sink or shoved away into a similarly small nook or cranny. Seemingly close to bursting at the seams every time you ram yet another carrier bag in to join the countless others. Well, now Ocado is waging war against the bag of bags – and your bank balance could be the beneficiary!
The online grocery delivery firm is resuming its recycling scheme from Monday 8th March, with the plastic bags it collects to be sent to a recycling plant and turned into pellets used to create new bags in turn.
So far, so good for the environment! But the kicker is that Ocado will now refund the 5p it charges for every carrier bag sent in each delivery. All shoppers need to do is to gather their unwanted plastic bags into one (don’t worry, this bag of bags won’t hang around for long) and inform the delivery driver how many Ocado bags are being returned. They’ll then arrange the refund at their end.
What’s more, they’ll even take carrier bags from other companies. You won’t get any money back for these, but at least you won’t have to find an alternative recycling route!
So where does the “almost £5” come in? Well, Ocado will take up to 99 of its bags back after each delivery. That works out as a tasty £4.95!
For more money-saving grocery tips, check out these 10 from MyWalletHero contributor Sean LaPointe.