Finding the best shares to buy now could be a useful exercise for any investor. It may allow them to uncover high-quality companies that trade at low prices. Over time, they may offer superior returns than other FTSE 100 shares which leads to a larger portfolio value in the long run.
With that in mind, here are five FTSE 100 stocks that appear to have long-term growth potential. They could realistically double an investor’s initial outlay as a result of their competitive advantages and strategies.
The best shares to buy now with wide economic moats
While deciding which are the best shares to buy now is clearly subjective. In many instances, such companies are likely to have wide economic moats. For example, they may have a unique product, strong brands or lower costs than their rivals. Over time, this may enable them to deliver higher returns that lead to an improving share price performance.
Two such companies could be Diageo and Reckitt Benckiser. They’ve experienced mixed operating conditions in 2020. But both have a wide range of brands that may provide them with a competitive advantage over sector peers. As the world economy’s prospects improve, they could post impressive results that lead to higher valuations and rising stock prices.
FTSE 100 shares with sound strategies
Fellow FTSE 100 shares ABF and Berkeley may also be among the best shares to buy now. They’ve experienced challenging operating conditions over recent months. They may even struggle to deliver improving financial performances in the near term due to disruption caused by coronavirus.
However, ABF’s budget fashion focus within retail may mean it becomes increasingly popular among UK and European consumers while their confidence is low and unemployment rises. Similarly, Berkeley could benefit from a gradual return to normality after coronavirus. Certainly with its large net cash position and dominant market position providing growth opportunities in the coming years.
Meanwhile, Fresnillo may be among the best shares to buy now. The gold and silver miner is making progress on improving its operational performance after a tough period. While global economic uncertainty is high, it could enjoy attractive operating conditions that encourage share price growth relative to other FTSE 100 shares.
Building a portfolio of UK shares
Clearly, it’s important to diversify among the best shares to buy now. Simply owning a small number of companies could lead to an investor facing high risks and low returns. Especially should one or more of their holdings experience a disappointing period.
As such, holding a wide variety of companies that operate in different sectors and regions could be a sound move. It may lead to a more resilient return, as well as the prospect of a portfolio doubling in value over the long run.