As the 5 April deadline approaches to use the allocated £11,520 ISA allowance for the year, we’ve asked around Fool HQ for their top ISA picks in the FTSE 100 to give you guidance when considering what to buy.
Your investing style will dictate which companies you’re interested in, but tellingly most Fools have chosen shares that will appreciate in capital value and/or have a solid, high yield.
Without further ado, here’s what we picked and why…
Why BHP Billiton Is A Top ISA Buy
Why Santander Beats Both Lloyds And Royal Bank of Scotland As A Top ISA Buy
Why GlaxoSmithKline Is A Top ISA Buy
Why Wm. Morrison Supermarkets Is A Top ISA Buy
Why Rolls-Royce Is A Top ISA Buy
Why ARM Holdings Is A Top ISA Buy
Why Royal Dutch Shell Is My Top ISA Buy
Why Barclays Is My Top ISA Buy
Why The FTSE 100 Is A Top ISA Buy
Why SABMiller Is A Top ISA Buy
Undervalued BP’s 5% Yield Could Boost Your Tax-Free ISA Income
When selecting shares for your ISA, you ought to think long term — the real money isn’t made by selling every time there’s an incremental rise, not with those pesky trading fees. Instead, you should consider shares that you’re happy to ‘buy and forget’.
That’s why our top analysts scoured the FTSE 100 to bring you five names that they believe can form the heart of your portfolio, including a Big Pharma dividend champion, a giant with two billion consumers every day, an omnipresent high-street hero , a defensive Goliath and a power play with a 5%+ yield.
For your special FREE report, simply click here now — but hurry, as the report will only be available for a limited time!